Chapter VI - Sustainable Preparedness - Join This Sustainable Prepper Forum

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Chapter VI - Sustainable Preparedness - Join This Sustainable Prepper Forum

Post by Watchman »

Chapter VI - Sustainable Preparedness: Join This Sustainable Prepper Forum

I’ll begin with a central and critical fact that was adopted when this forum began over 15 years ago – the board is non-commercial and we are beholding to no one! We do it our way, not yours, period! However, our members do have a say so about what is included here for all of our edification, knowledge, and wisdom. Nothing is said against those who make a dollar here or a dollar there – they do what they have to do – but that is not the orientation of this community. The only thing we give away is knowledge, totally free all the time.

Preparedness is now more important than it ever has been, but sadly, most people do not see that. Preppers have been the butt of jokes because of stupid television shows and we have tried to allay that image by exercising legitimate concern for our safety, our family’s safety, and our very existence by learning the skills we need in the event of a crisis – very much lie the pandemic that has gripped the whole world. Serious preppers have kept ther eyes on society, the cost of survival (food, medicine), the environment (what is happening on our planetary oasis), and learning skills such as growing food and accumulating health needs and enhancing our domicile security. While wee are doing this, there are those lazy sonsofbtchess who will show up on your doorstep in the event of a crisis and ‘demand’ your assistance because they were too stupid to do anything for themselves. We are careful not to take a direct stand on that scenario but say you have to take a stand, one way or another. If you don’t make the right decision you and your family will be dead. Forget ‘the government’ coming to the rescue – it ain’t going to happen. At this point no one outside your family will play by the rules – no one! Sweat equity will save your bacon! If you don’t know what that means, look it up.

There are rays of sunshine if you are willing to change your attitude. God provides us the basic tools but it is up to you to put them in motion. Thiz step of the journey begins with YOU acquiring knowledge and teaching others. Teaching others actually enlarges your zone of security and enhances your survival. Preparedness equals survival. Do your best to become allied with like-minded people but also kerep your eyes open, your ears clear, and sleep with your boots on. Remember the old WW II saying of ‘loose lips sink ships’. That is perfectly appropriate in our situation because a desperate person cares not a whit about how much resources and efforts you have put into protecting your family.

Now for the physical part and a lot of this is rooted in our collective experiences. This is where your nose makes contact with the grindstone. In cooperation with a spouse if you are married, everyone must be on the same frequency or you will be wasting your time and resources and will be pissed off at the lack of results. Do this:

• Decide that you MUST prepare for eventualities in our troubled times. Boil this down to “I want my family to live”.
• Decide where your knowledge is lacking and fill in the blanks.
• Map out a plan to acquire emergency supplies and how to store them safely and permanently. Store food and other items in the best possible manner for your circumstances. Keep an eye towards use and rotate. If you have the space, plant a garden. Try to store prescription medications for future use. If you or a family member are diabetic, you are going to have to find a way to store insulin under safe conditions. That’s why we have our Health Research Laboratory!
• Learn first aid and medical skills that can save a life or ease the pain of living without a doctor, dentist or other health care providers. Study alternative and natural methods because the right ones have been working for thousands of years.
• Gather important hard copies of critical or important documents. If you have them stored on an electronic device, you are going to have to build or buy a Faraday protective container.
• Defense of your homestead must be total and without skimping on your needs. If you don’t have defensive weapon skills find someone who does, to teach you. Join a gun club. Unless the [Wash My Mouth] has hit the fan totally, don’t be an ass and threaten someone or deep-staters will come and get you. Walk carefully and quietly but carry a big stick.

Why are we different and why should you join us? We pay attention to the road signs that God has allowed to be posted – the environment and weather, the continually rising cost of food and basic medical needs and care, the violence on the streets by people whose dreams and aspirations have been trampled by the deep state and their minions, the loss of liberty one step at a time, by our own inaction and laziness or lack of a feeling of emergency. The [Wash My Mouth] has already hit the fan people but you can still build some security if you have the strength and courage to do so and, believe it or not, you can still do it without infringing on the rights of others.

What do we expect of you if you become part of our association? The central part of our existence is the right to free speech but with integrity and care for your neighbor (other members of our community to be exact). We do not tolerate assholes of any kind, stalkers of any kind, or all-around scumbags. We use a ‘warning’ system and police ourselves. Only by policing ourselves can we get ‘er done and survive as a community.

Intestinal fortitude and the desire to survive are what drives our engine. A constantly-growing circle of like-minded people increases your chances of survival and it will come back to you, yes, you!


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Last bumped by Watchman on 08 Mar 2023 09:20.
“Conspiracy Theories Are Wisps of Smoke From Fires That Cannot Be Seen” - The Watchman (2024)
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