Climate Zealots, Climate Deniers and the Rest of Us

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Climate Zealots, Climate Deniers and the Rest of Us

Post by Watchman »

What subject gets the most attention, [Wash My Mouth] more people off, and is used as a rallying point for fringe elements on all sides of the political and social spectrum? Why climate change, of course. These two words, "climate" and "change" strung together often start fistfights, screaming and deep insults, deserved or not. The central point of every argument appears to be whether a change in climate is caused by humanity or if it is occurring naturally on a cyclical basis. The simple truth of the matter is BOTH. Even the most uncaring and uneducated fool on the face of the planet cannot deny that something is happening and to borrow a quote from the days of Art Bell, is "quickening". More earthquakes, more volcanic activity, more extreme weather, more poisoned air, more poisoned water, more poisoned soil, more species extinction events, food crises, and on and on. As the "quickening" speeds up so does anger, despair and violence. Corporations and government use these abominations to their advantage to further their hidden goals (hidden from the rest of us). "Celebrities" (in their own minds) also latch on to climate change as a torch to ignite passions. Ignited passions fill deep pockets.

Here is where I [Wash My Mouth] more people off. Have you ever wondered why the youth of today are so involved in this fiasco? It is because despair has saturated their future. The future belongs to the youth in the same way as we took charge from our parents. When our generation took the reins of life and government it was a revolution of sorts, in that we built and built and built - homes, projects, buildings, businesses, highways, factories, and everything physical that we thought we needed. We did it without a care in the world as to the consequences of our actions. We did not look into the future to see if unintended consequences would occur as a result of what we were doing. To put it in plain English, the youth are scared as hell that they will not have a future - that they will not have g-g-g-grandchildren, that there will be no food to eat, no jobs, nothing that looks like a bright future. They are peering into a black hole.

I have a lot (or should I use LOT) of faith in the younger generation. The future is theirs, not ours. I liken them to our parents who were labeled "the greatest generation" for the effort they put into (including millions of lives lost) stabilizing the world. The central problem that is the cause of all dissent are the politicos with deep pockets and the lust for power and domination, all the way from the deep swamp to the "illumined ones". The youth are frustrated because they are classified as a "resource" (just as a pencil or a pen or a piece of paper) and are used by the world order to further their socio-economic goals. If you want to talk about something happening on a cyclical basis, the culling of our youngest, best, and brightest happens every decade or so in the form of World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and any future event on the horizon. WARNING: World War III Has Started! You can believe this or not, to your peril and lack of preparation.

There are many things you can do that will evolve into a workable and loving caress of God's Green Earth. God caressed us by creation and we can return His love by taking care of our home (our den, our nest). The first thing you have to do is accept the fact that SOMETHING is happening to our home in space! It isn't important what it was caused by; the only important aspect is that YOU must be involved in a big way, or several small ways, in mitigating this crisis! Befriend, mentor, talk to, and most important, listen to young people who want to fix things or 'get 'er done'. They're right and those who laugh at them and confront our sons and daughters who want a healthy world for their descendants, are most likely wrong. You MUST make an effort to meet them in the meadow and talk about our mutual habitat and how to repair it.

You cannot label this strictly as a preparedness issue - "I have the goods and I am prepared!" True preparedness (after your shelves are bare) will require you to re-apply the old ways that were in our ancestral past and use those skills on a continuing, sustainable basis.

This forum is not about filling your shelves with supplies but about filling your God-given brain with knowledge and ideas to use when the lights go out. We have even initiated a specialty system tailored to your knowledge, experience, and interests.

Are you up to the task? We'll see.

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