Can You Compost Onions?

This is for methods of composting and amending the soil naturally - remember, naturally is a way of doing things when the lights go out!
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Can You Compost Onions?

Post by Watchman »

Composting is one of the single best things that you can do for your garden, or any other plants you take care of.

It allows you to convert what would otherwise be kitchen, household and yard waste into extremely rich, nutritious soil that all plants will love.

Composting is a surprisingly delicate process, one requiring the correct ratio of additions, plenty of maintenance and a working knowledge of basic soil chemistry.

Adding the wrong things could bring the progress of your compost pile to a screeching halt, and it is common to see arguments over what is or is not a good addition around the internet.

How about onions, for instance? Can you compost onions?

Yes, you can compost onions so long as they are chopped up to prevent sprouting and added in moderation so that you don’t acidify your pile.

Onions are indeed one of those compost pile additions that seem to garner a lot of arguments. Some people swear up and down that they are just fine, while others report that adding even a single onion to your pile is going to ruin it.

Like so many contentious subjects, the truth is somewhere in the middle, but suffice it to say for now that you can add onions to your compost pile with complete safety so long as you follow a few simple rules of thumb.

I’ll tell you all about those below. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE


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