The Role of Social Media in Emergency Communication Strategies for Preppers

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The Role of Social Media in Emergency Communication Strategies for Preppers

Post by mimi620325 »

It’s natural for many preppers to be more isolated and independent, but you may still want to get on social media. You should at least have a presence online so you can meet other preppers and discuss the best strategies to prepare for and survive an emergency situation. Don’t be mistaken. Social media isn’t just for kids. Over the years, it has been used as a tool in many natural disasters. Best of all, these platforms continue to evolve and you can take advantage of all their perks.

Today, we’ll tell you how social media has saved lives in the past, discuss the best platforms for your needs, what you can do with each, and how logging on can be a lifesaver when you least expect it.

Social media can be used for a great many things, and in recent years, it’s been essential for connecting with others in times of need. Sometimes, the only way to connect with someone you haven’t seen in many years is to find them online. Phone numbers change, people move to different states, and they can be hard to reach. However, you can often find them on social media or at least find a trail of people that know them so you can get in touch. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

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