Cataract surgery

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Patriot ⭐ Construction, Shelter
Patriot ⭐ Construction, Shelter
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Cataract surgery

Post by Toepopper »

In the summer of 2021, I noticed that I could no longer see the sights on my pistol, could not get a proper sight picture or sight alignment and had a lot of misses while participating in a local defensive pistol shoot. Went to the eye doctor at the VA hospital for an eye examination and the doctor informed me that I had cataracts on both eyes but the right eye was the worst. He informed me that they now had a procedure to remove the cataract and replace the lens in the eye and it has become a common surgery which only takes about 10 minutes. I had to think this over for a month before accepting the fact that I was going blind at age 75 and decided to have the surgery. It took 9 full months to jump through all the hoops at the VA and they sent me to a private eye surgeon who specializes in lens replacement surgery. Had the replacement done 2 days ago. I was just amazed, the effects were immediate and dramatic, I now have perfect vision in the right eye. Got the lens that allows me to see at a distance but need glasses to read with. Seems like I can see in Cinemascope now, colors leap out at me and all the fine details are there once again. Can now get a perfect sight alignment and will be getting high scores at the defensive pistol shoots.
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Re: Cataract surgery

Post by Watchman »

I am so happy for you! I have, indeed, had this very same surgery - twice, once on each eye. So I know the joy you feel! I just turned 82 and I'm happier than a pig in poop. I keep telling my wife that even though I can't physically do what I used to, I am sharper than a K-Bar mentally. I have no intentions of giving up anything until it is my turn to go.

You did mention the whole key to success, make your own decisions about your health in your own time. My PC doctor researches and presents to me the options. I then double-check what he has presented and move from there. Its worked for me and my wife.
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