Chapter IV - Sustainable Preparedness: Please, Lord, Send Us Rain, Knowledge and Wisdom - God's Gift To We, Us, Humanity

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Chapter IV - Sustainable Preparedness: Please, Lord, Send Us Rain, Knowledge and Wisdom - God's Gift To We, Us, Humanity

Post by Watchman »

Chapter IV - Sustainable Preparedness: Please, Lord, Send Us Rain, Knowledge and Wisdom - God's Gift To We, Us, Humanity

God gives each of us the liberty to exercise dominion. If we misuse and abuse the power He gave us then we are the ones that suffer the consequences of our own mistakes. This is an awesome responsibility. We should be careful to use our dominion wisely! I’m definitely not evoking a ‘preach job’. These thoughts are basic to all humanity and constantly ignored at our peril.

This is a journey of knowledge, wisdom, responsibility and preparedness. Roll with it, disagree with it, do whatever you want with it, but these are ideas that need to be addressed and publisher prerogative is claimed here.

What we are and what we are not. Preparedness can be a double-edged sword that will ensnare (by just mentioning the word preparedness) many who latch on to the concepts. This is it, what we believe in a nutshell. God gave us dominion but we believe He is unhappy that we have largely destroyed our oasis in space. We skirt the issues of ‘climate change’ by NOT taking sides as to whether it is natural or human-caused. If dirtying your home and property causes problems it is probably you who are the culprit; if a company fouls the air and water with tons of poison, it is the company that is the culprit. If all this foulness adds up to a weapon that destroys the environment, use your God-given intelligence to fix responsibility. Man up to whose responsibility this is.

After the industrial revolution, things progressed at a rapid pace – and the side-effects therefrom – Our great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents did the best they could with the tools and knowledge they had, but evolving science and realization has proven that some efforts were not enough. The world belongs to our children and grandchildren and later generations. NOT US! We need to trust in the next generation like our parents and grandparents did for us. Instead of this becoming a violent war between the generations, we need to take a deep breath and fix things together, to get ‘er done. Have you ever wondered why young people are REALLY INTO SELF-RELIANCE? Why, because they want to use their God-given benefits and blessings as they were intended. God never gives less than you need. We ALL must work together to find solutions. Our generation will be dead and gone but the young will have to live through the poison, shortages, anomalies in weather, and every damn other piece of crap we have created.

Preparedness is reading the signs, studying the knowledge, acquiring the skills, practicing using what has been so lovingly provided to us. It is NOT selling health supplements and cheap junk ‘supplies’ on the internet. Real change can come with using it up, wearing it out, or doing without, and ultimately, using your knowledge to gather a fix. Listen to young people and work with them – think of it also as enhancing your own security.


⬇️ Please Download TURN YOUR SOUND ON - the sound of beautiful rain. CONTINUE READING AFTER THE VIDEO.

The worst period of heat we have had in the modern US. While we're all waiting for moisture to preserve our lands and our crops, take a little break and enjoy this music about rain. And, no, we are not changing what this forum is about. We are in deep trouble and we need to take a step back and do some studying. Background music doesn't hurt.

“Conspiracy Theories Are Wisps of Smoke From Fires That Cannot Be Seen” - The Watchman (2024)
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