Cold Composting: Step-by-Step Guide

This is for methods of composting and amending the soil naturally - remember, naturally is a way of doing things when the lights go out!
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Cold Composting: Step-by-Step Guide

Post by Watchman »

Cold composting is the process by which bacteria and microorganisms break down your kitchen scraps and yard waste to create an enriching soil additive. Cold composting is the easiest way to compost at home because it requires little work to set up and almost no maintenance or monitoring at all. The difference between cold composting and hot composting is that the latter requires that specific temperatures be maintained (which also means that hot composting works much faster than cold). Vermicomposting relies on worms to create compost, and bokashi compost requires special equipment as well as specific monitoring. While you do need a fair amount of space to cold compost, its ease and low levels of setup and work mean that it's a very popular way to compost. Because so little skill is needed, it's also great for beginners—you can learn the basics of composting and then step up to a more intensive method if you find you have the time and interest. ➡️ READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE



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