Chapter X - Sustainable Preparedness: Index Explained

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Chapter X - Sustainable Preparedness: Index Explained

Post by Watchman »

Chapter X – Sustainable Preparedness: Index

This chapter (out of necessity) is long and will be divided covering particular aspects of sustainable preparedness. This first installment is a heads-up as to future parts that will be published separately. Patience secures all things – patience, patience, patience. Keep checking “The Last Outpost” for further reading. Subsequent writings will be titled as such: Chapter X-Part 1, 2, etc.

Part 1 - Definition of Sustainable; Sustainability and the Environment As Pertains to Preparedness - capable of being sustained; relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged; sustainable techniques; sustainable agriculture; or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods; sustainable society; sustainable environment (see Part 2).

Part 2 - Intellectual – Mindset

Part 3 - Sustenance – Acquisition of Food Supplies, Pantry Management, Gardening, Foraging, Agriculture, Livestock

Part 4 - Water – Most Needed and Life-Nurturing of All: Rain Catchment, Wells, Streams or Lakes, Filtration, Sanitation, Storage

Part 5 - Health, Medical – Public (Herd) Health & Sanitation, Caring For Diabetics, Caring For Asthmatics, Medical and Healthcare Supplies, Foraging For Alternative Treatments, Sustainable Power & Storage For Medical Supplies

Part 6 – Security and Protection, Defensive and Offensive – Supplies and Accoutrements, Weapons, Procedures, Strategies, Internal and External Communications, Perimeter Needs and Observational Techniques


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