The Death of the United States At The Hands Of The Unholy Trinity - By Watchman

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The Death of the United States At The Hands Of The Unholy Trinity - By Watchman

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The Death of the United States At The Hands Of The Unholy Trinity
We’re on a death watch at this present time, all caused by three individual personages – man, woman, and pastor. This has been happening since the United States Revolution which was finalized in 1776 by the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution of the United States is a document inspired by the God of us all. It is the perfect document (because God inspired it) which does not differentiate the races, the ethnicities, or the origin.

With satan laughing and salivating with glee in the background, it’s minions (think new world order, corrupt politicians and leaders, rampant crime and bloodshed, wars for resources) – man, woman, and pastor – have been obedient to the thing from hell and have abrogated responsibilities and moral requirements in favor of the evil one. Man and woman (as designed and created by God) have disobeyed God and have refused to get involved in their children’s lives because sometimes it is inconvenient. They have concentrated on “things” and not eternity. Anything at all to be popular with their children! They treat their children like they are fellow party-goers at a rock concert instead of being the beacon on the hill or the rock in the ocean for their kids. The cell phone, your children’s peers, athletes and entertainers are the “parents” of these kids. We have kept our mouths shut about morality and just plain right and wrong and have not educated our children in the Commandments of our Creator. Our children are NOT dumb; they are better educated than we could ever have thought of being. Make no mistake about it, though, parents are NOT the sole blame for the condition this nation is in.

Which brings us to the third part of this unholy trinity – pastors with no balls (figuratively speaking, that is). They do not address morality from the pulpit because they are fearful (afraid, terrified) that their church will lose it’s tax-exempt status. Very few say “bring it on”. It’s easier to quote something from scripture than tell those sitting in the pews that something is wrong and un-Godly. The collection plate would be very sparse. Parents do not want to hear that they are not fulfilling their responsibilities! So, giving in to the will of satan and not the will of God, we are headed down the road to destruction. We deserve it.

Can anything be done? Yes, but we have to start from the ground up, not down from Heaven. God already gave us the commandments to live by – we have just chosen to ignore them and pluck God’s beard. You can’t do this by yourself – you must ask Jesus to be in your corner when you begin. It can be done but it will produce heartache and hatred. After all, Jesus DID say that we would be hated because of Him. Are you ready to see America transform itself into a loving star in the cosmos for humanity? It will take work and perseverance and you will have to give up your weekend in front of the NWO’s propaganda machine. This will be difficult. If you want to see just how difficult it will be, lock your cell phones up in a drawer in the garage and pick up the Word of God instead.

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“Conspiracy Theories Are Wisps of Smoke From Fires That Cannot Be Seen” - The Watchman (2024)
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Re: The Death of the United States At The Hands Of The Unholy Trinity - By Watchman

Post by Watchman »

ADDED: 25 Mar 2024

Adding to the unholy trinity (which makes it four or more):
  • Partisan judges, including high priests of other gods who sit on the SCOTUS and state supreme courts.
  • Criminal invaders (illegal aliens) who have no respect for our border.
  • Crooked business owners who crave profit instead of a happy work force.
“Conspiracy Theories Are Wisps of Smoke From Fires That Cannot Be Seen” - The Watchman (2024)
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