Is an Earthship Home Right for You?

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Is an Earthship Home Right for You?

Post by Watchman »

If only there were a style of homebuilding that checked all the sustainability boxes. Oh wait, there is! It's called Earthsip architecture and it's pretty amazing. Here is everything you need to know to figure out if this might be the right choice for you.

An Earthship home is a self-sustaining dwelling built out of natural materials and consumer waste that can be self-constructed. Earthsip architecture employs passive solar principles, off-grid design, and location-specific alterations to meet all of a home's basic needs, including comfort, food, water, shelter, and wastewater treatment.

The structure is specific to each homeowner's location and promotes design in harmony with your given environment. They're traditionally designed to grow food, collect rainwater, tap solar energy, and dispose of waste in a closed and sustaining cycle. At the same time, an Earthship allows residents to save money on monthly utilities and building costs while greatly reducing their daily carbon footprint.

This style of eco structure was designed by Michael Reynolds, who has touted his Earthship construction principles as an eco-movement. Since its creation in the 1970s, the Earthship has spread worldwide in many different climates and environments. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE





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